thats one reason why there is animate lands in
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well then u dont get how to play the deck properly. what you do is oracle of mul daya and then get out lands faster till you draw fast bond and oracle of nectars is u get fast bond first its easyer to get oracle of nectars and the when u have all of that out its easy to get felidar or win win maze's end or win with infect from inkmoth + wolf run or make them forfit cuz u gain like 30 life each turn with oracle of nectars
hi ajay follow me i followed u
its ok. its to expensive and not even very effective and the only way u can win is with the gates and thats really hard. nice try though
fastbond helps i had to change the deck to add it though it runs a lot better i can gain a buntch of life then play tons of lands from my deck and then do it for double next turn and then double that next turn its really cool
really nice card it helps a lot ty
nice i will try it
well its got animate lands so i dont die so easy
jace memory adept that should be in every mill deck take out all of the balustade spy and add jace's
omg :pfollow me i followed u
wow i love the deck how it is the only reason its even good is cuz of the snapcaster and brainstorm without those it would be hard to win with the deck. that brainstorm works so good with miracles. just run one more land and -1 time warp and -1 temporal mastery and +1 land and -1 noxious revival and +1 jace the mind sculptor. great job i'm liking the deck!!!like this comment :p
he should run book burning look it up :p
what??? why is there a ton of singles ok -2 walking corpse -1 black cat +3 gravecrawler and then -2 havengul litch +1 grave titan +1 sheoldren whispering one and run mor dual lands but not guildgates and -1 army of the damned -1 grave berrayal and +2 liliana's caressand -1 grimore of the dead and +1 liliana vesslike this comment :p
u should add something like underworld dreams but u would have to add black to ur deck just put it in so u can win with it or mill and if u add black in how about put in glipse of the unthinkable and othe really good mill cards i mean its not standard so y r u running so many standard card have a little fun dude p.s. i have a drawing deck to its called it hurts to dream look at it it might help u make this decklike this comment :p
freaking legendary
a little less black lotus and i think this deck will run really well
WOW i use to love mono green when u could make a really good one in standard. ok now my help is -1 lanowar elf -1 arbor elf -1 cultivate and +3 lead the stampede and -2 terra stomper and +2 garruk's horde. i want to make these changes to the deck because you will play creatures faster. and side deck a couple reatch cards like deady my comment :p
avatar of woe and phyrexian obliterator the total f u cards of all time in my opinion. it looks like u should add blood artist and hey why not black lotus or sol ring. ur deck is not play able in any thing why not have a little fun :p
turtle deck i would have never thought of it thats so cool :p
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