I've played this deck four times now in my typical 4-person games and it has under-performed each time. I seem to never get enough curses to really stack up to much and I've been color-locked a couple times with mana. PLEASE HELP! I love the idea of this deck but I need assistance making it "work". Thanks
I welcome any ideas anyone may have to make this better.
As always I would appreciate any suggestions you guys/gals may have. Thanks
My first FNM went.... OK.I won 3 of 9 games and was very close on another 2. My biggest weakness was that I had no creature removal. If someone put a powerful creature down I was forced into being defensive and then this deck would fall apart. So in light of that we have "I'm Boros B!tch v.2". This is already performing much better. I looked up the 3 Boros decks in 1st place in Standard right now and added a little flare to my deck. If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks
As always I welcome comments... and likes ;)Please let me know if you think another card would go well in this deck. I am thinking about dropping the two Terra Eternal because not many decks target lands and if a deck does the Terra Eternal alone probably won't save me. Any suggestions on what to replace it with? Thanks in advance!
OK guys, I'm going to my first FNM! Any last suggestions or recommendations?
OK guys, I'm going to go to my first FNM! I have to replace the Relentless Rats and my Planeswalkers... I need suggestions please!
OK guys, I've been playing Magic for a few months and now I'm ready to go play some FNM. I'm going tonight! Does anyone have any last minute recommendations/suggestions?
This is great information. Thank you again. I will be making some changes again soon when I get a little extra time. I'll post my changes when I do.
I put in Blood Baron and the High Priest (love them). Added a few more Exquisite Blood too. What do you think?
I've made quite a few changes. Scroll up and you will see I used most of your suggestions. There is a lot less actual Extorts happening but I feel much more rounded. A Day of Judgment will not put me out of the game anymore ;)I am really enjoying this deck.
Chiron423 - You, sir, are the man. Adding the Tormented Soul and using the Midnight Recovery on him has been great!. Also the Immortal Servitude just adds a little bit of ridiculousness to the deck. I actually had someone concede before the Ogre Slumlord was even out after I had nine 9/9 rats (because of Pack Rat)! It was great!! Really loving this deck...
I really like that Boros Reckoner but I'm a little unsure if I'm going to put him in the deck because he alone will add another $40ish to the deck. I was trying to keep it around $50 but I've already passed that ;)
I would like to hear your thoughts. This has become my favorite deck right now. It's so much faster than my other decks. Even in multiplayer I can usually kill a player or even two before they get much on the board.
I also made some room for two Immortal Servitude.
So I took out the two Undercity Plagues and only one Swamp (always afraid of being land locked). I'm going to get to play it a bit today. I'll let you know how it goes.
So I played with Spike Jester a few times and it was a little harder adding a third color (Black) to the deck. I like the card itself but I decided to go back to the Shred-Freak since I can cast those with just red.
More great suggestions. I can't wait to start trying some of these out. Thank you.
Thanks you for all the great suggestions. I am going to start playing with then making some of these changes. I will post a followup to say how it is going.
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