needs more hexproof!invisible stalker, slippery boglehexproof is what makes any aura deck effective without it it turns literally EVERY removal spell into a semi-guaranteed 2-for-1 or better. also aura decks typically run fewer creatures then most aggro/creature strategies, since all you need is one dude to beat face
needs more hexproof
might want to look into some more efficient removal spells, possibly victim of night or dismember. hero's downfall is good in standard but there are better options in modern. Ogre slumlord seems not very good here, the deathtouch is cute but 5 mana is alot for a dude that immediately dies to a bolt. As far as boarding into devotion you can do better than specter and underworld connections. If you want similar devotion pumps that have better staying power look into geralf's messenger to replace the specters and phyrexian areas to replace the underworld connections.
Teysa? MAN I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. SOOO BROKEN......oh wait thats not how that interaction works. go home
they were in here cause i was considering running revoke existance out of the board for annoying gods, ended up deciding not too and just forgot to take the shrines out lol
its for reckoners, running godless shrine over a basic swamp lets every land (sans mutavault) cast a reckoner
im assuming the 8 copies of hymn in the mainboard is a mistake?
probably, this was a deck idea i threw out and never really cared enough to finish it lol
cabal coffers isnt bad i hadnt thought of that. Also im not a huge fan of rhystic tutor. also i didnt know about the mana web interaction there...that is very evil...i like it
I like the idea, ive been toying around with a hydras deck myself since there seem to be some good ones. That being said i feel that the deck needs to mimic the current green devotion if it wants to be competitive in standard. This is the version of the deck ive come up with. Itll ramp just as hard as the other green decks in the format and might have a little more reach.
I want to see nykthos and elspeth in this deck haha.
oh i know, again it comes down to me not havin a full playset of downfalls, also this is not my primary standard deck haha
also, yes elspeth is awesome when i added the deck to this i didnt realize how broken she is lol.
i like having both, the cheaper cost of doomblade is more efficient in my mind, also i dont have a playset of heros downfall
i only have 1 ashiok unfortunately which is why hes boarded cause popping 1 in is only meh
im currently running 1 architect and 2 memory adepts, cause i onlhy have 1 architect lol, im not super sold on only architect being better tho
sanguine bond wouldnt be a bad add, whip is kinda pointless because i dont swing out often in this deck
everyone wants to counter them for a reason :p control dies without card advantage. Id pull either lightning strike/magma jet/anger of the gods to fit a few revelations in there. especially since you have no card draw. Anger of the gods is good against fast aggro so id keep it in the side board or main board if you want too. revelation will also let you stabilize your life points once you've dealt with their initial assault. Nothing more irritating from an aggro point of view then beating you down to 5 life, then you board wipe and revelation back up to 12 or whatever. It causes that sinking feeling of well shit im gonna lose now that control players love to cause haha
no sphinx's revelation?
I might suggest well from Alive // Well in place of the congregates. It is sorcery speed and not an instant but its also only 1 white
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