
5 Decks, 4 Comments, 3 Reputation

I would add x2 of sulfur falls but im assuming you dont have 2 more which is why it is set up like so.

Instead of Unsummon I would use vapor snag. Same cost/ability except they lose 1 life in addition.

Maybe add a Runechanter's Pike or two. ( cost 2, 2 equip, gets +x/0 and first strike for every instant/sorcery in your graveyard.

Posted 25 August 2012 at 21:06 as a comment on Talver burn


Personally I dont like adding Nefarox because by the time he can be used which is turn 7 you should have won.

As an exalted deck it also seems a little too defensive and could use a few more exalted creatures to speed it up.

Overall I like how its set up and everyone has there own twist on there decks which makes it there own so do what overal works for you.

Heres my exalted deck if you want to take a look at.
Could use some other opinions

Also I built pretty much the same deck but its Black/white exalted infect
Its only 15 cards different then the above deck so I could sideboard it
to make game 2 intresting.
Again could use some opinions.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 00:46 in reply to #277157 on Standard Exalted BW!


X2 Sublime
X4 Isolated Chapel
X4 Duty Bound Dead
X2 Silverblade Paladin

x1 Hero of Bladehoof
X1 Sun Titan
X2 Servent of Nefarox
X4 basic land
X3 Planeswalkers
X1 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis

This for a lot of the reasons stated above.

*First remove 4 lands for the dual lands. No real reason needed.
*Remove hero because Exalted wont work with her.
*Add the 4 duty bound because its a 1 drop with exalted
*The Titan is cool and all but you want focus more on adding smaller guys then adding a guy with
no exalted and no trample and no flying.
*Add the Silverblades to add double strike.
* 5 planewalkers are to many. I would keep the Ajani and Gideon. If you had a second Ajani I would
go with that over the Gideon.
* I would lower the Nefarox by one because its such a high priced cost and by the time you can use him turn 7 you should have won by now.
* the Sublimes stack so thats why you should add two more of them.

Like I said a lot of this was stated above just giving my 2 cents.
Also like the Spirit Mantle idea.

Heres mine if you want to check out how I worked mine.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 00:31 as a comment on Sorin Exalted
