As i have said before, the great sable stag and the omnath have nothing to do with the elf theme change them up.
First off i used to play a good mono green eldrazi deck and this one is far from what i had.First problem i would have is the 2 nissa's.There more for a straight forward elf deck more than anything else and theyre not going to survive long in this deck.If you want planeswalkers replace her with 2 garruk for more mana ramp into your big eldrazi.Also the oran reif isnt really going to help you achieve your goal, so try adding more forests your going to need about 19 if you really want the eldrazi because jund and other mono red decks are going to have plenty of removal for those mono green mana ramp creatures you have so take the oran reif's out and replace them with some forests.Nice use of lurking predators, its definitely interesting to see that card in one of these decks.Drop the archdruid because once again this isnt an elf deck its supposed to be ramp into eldrazi and your lurking predators is really going to help.use cards like awakening zone and whatnot to try and get a crapload of eldrazi spawns on the field so you can sac them and grab your self and emrakul or it that betrays. If your going to drop the nissa revane drop the chosens too there not going to be of that much service. Try replacing them with skittering invasion.Also you need the 2 eldrazi lands, Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi temple.Without those its going to take like 70 turns to just play 1 eldrazi.I hope i didnt offend you with my comments and help you acieve your goal of a good competitive deck.
Do you plan on hitting the opponent or creatures with the staggershock? If your going to use it as removal I suggest replacing it with flame slash.
No problem glad to help.Seems like a really stupid hard deck to beat if it gets the right cards.
I see no win con.Add a good life gain win con like Felidar Sovereign.You could take out the Emeria Angel because it seems really out of place here.You also need cards like rest for the weary and lone missionary instead of storm herd and wall of glare.It just seems like adding those cards could add an incredible amount of life gain in a short amount of time. Felidar can be played and protected by some of the cards that stop attackers and combat.I hope I helped and my advice was of use.