I am not running red and I think I am done with it. The purpose is to draw out your deck.
Why kill when I stop there slivers cold. Ice cold.
This deck needs to sacrifice. I have one creature to bring them back.
When something comes in. Something has to come out. I say Ashnold Altar and Pherexian Alter.
And Sliver Overlord is not standard
This deck is trying to hinder an enemy sliver deck without using a lot of slivers. I am not adding any more slivers.
Can you help out with a deck of mine. http://www.mtgvault.com/xsilver7/decks/antisliver-modern-wip/
This was just out of buying a box of m14 boosters and a xbox live duels 2014 promo booster. This deck can shut down powerful gruul and boros decks alike. The only deck this deck can't beat is a Maze's End deck.And I am trying to get Mutavault. Replace the Encroaching Wastes.
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