
1 Deck, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

painter and grindstone...
one of the worst combo ever... to play against.
its hilarious to use a deck like this one or 2 times, but its not what i call fun playing. it gets old fast, and your opponent dont really like playing with you.
it goes without saying thats its the same thing with other abusive combos like those infinite myr kill.
(splinter twin, mana myr, myr galvanizer)

Posted 11 November 2010 at 10:27 as a comment on Mill Deck Wins


i must say it has potential.
i find those life gaining deck a bit annoying to play against.
ill try it out, i got most of these cards already !

it leaves plenty of room for customizations too. like, if i prefer a creature to another, i simply switch.
my only downpoint so far would be the low number of lands.

Posted 09 November 2010 at 10:31 as a comment on P-p-popper


oh man, ill build this. i got almost all the cards necessary already. taken straight out of random booster packs !
if i put 5 - 8 bucks, it can be done. (for splinter twins and 1 or 2 battlesphere)

Posted 09 November 2010 at 09:33 as a comment on Infinite Myrs


this is the kind of deck that once you play against it, you either dont want to play againt that guy again, or try to find a deck that will counter this in his face !

awesome deck hahaha
you play this with a large smile

Posted 09 November 2010 at 08:49 as a comment on Bouncy Bouncy


man, this deck is insane...

Posted 08 November 2010 at 12:40 as a comment on Unbeatable Slivers
