
5 Decks, 47 Comments, 4 Reputation

Thanks for the options. Good choices over what i was using. Many thanks. :)

Posted 17 April 2016 at 14:59 in reply to #577249 on Commander: Kaalia of the Vast


Wow this brings back memories.
Though we use to use 4 demonic tutors and a bad moon or two.
Also had a Lord of the Pit, Yawgmoth Demon and a Sol ring.
The latter two creatures were only finishers as flying wasn't as common for big creatures back then.
Few others i remember: Tawnos's Coffin, Mana Vault and Nettling Imp

Also for reference: Black answer to enchant and/or artifact = Nevinyrral's Disk

Thanks for the nostalgia.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 04:22 as a comment on Old school mono black


Aether Vial. Agreed. So many good ones to choose from.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 21:54 in reply to #495105 on Cards that should be reprinted


I suppose one would have to identify this question for a reprint of something like Jace. "How many other powerful cards are also being reprinted" He's good, don't get me wrong but there are way better cards out there. The subject of this thread raises the question of which cards should be reprinted (for whatever reason), and is not inclined to abide the no reprint list, least is what i got from it. Do I expect to see the power 9 listed here at some point? Maybe, maybe not. In the right environment of what's standard, many cards can be deemed too powerful, or not powerful enough, it depends what cards are printed with them. I specifically listed the one casting cost tutors (vampiric tutor, enlighten tutor ect), with current standard it would be godly, but again what else gets printed with them really determines their power in a given format.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 21:22 in reply to #495071 on Cards that should be reprinted


Some might argue about FTV being a "reprint" of anything.

"From the vault:
This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where their original printings are still legal"

In other words the format for the card does not change. Many will consider a "reprint" to mean: becomes legal in standard for the current block.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 20:49 in reply to #495071 on Cards that should be reprinted


-Damnation (seconded)
-Force of Will (seconded)
-Zirilan of the Claw
-Land's Edge
-Mind Over Matter
-Jace, the Mind Sculptor
-*Specialty Art, basic lands (Unglued, Unhinged, ect)
- *1 CMC "Tutors" for each color.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 20:22 as a comment on Cards that should be reprinted


A lot of these decks tend to turn into "tuned" versions of the "Dragon's Maze's: Strength of Selesnya", event deck, if you aren't careful.

Good deck but they can be a bit repetitive, I can attest as i have my own that uses a Panoptic Mirror.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 04:22 as a comment on Hope You Have Board Wipe


Nice to see another Tribal Wars legal deck (outside of the sideboard), and for a very modest price.
Nicely done, especially the modern version (i stick to legacy personally).

For those unfamiliar with the format for Tribal Wars:

Posted 15 August 2014 at 04:14 as a comment on Budget Decks: Paragon of Beast


I think Door of Destines would aid in the finisher you're looking for, Pretty common for the low at/df creature decks, to give them that added punch they need. Would depend on whether your trying to keep it in standard or not of course.

Glad to see more and more tribal decks being posted that actually meed the requirements for the tribal format.

Posted 10 August 2014 at 06:43 as a comment on Satyr


Actually tribal is a format: http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=magic/rules/tribal
Most people tend to call "Theme" decks tribal though because they may use creatures of the same type or sub type. A theme can be just about anything, tribal generally is used to point more towards creatures in particular, so this often gets misused.

Tribal "legal" decks must have a minimum of 1/3rd their deck (20 out of 60) be a creature of the specific type or subtype. There are no sideboards in tribal.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 21:51 in reply to #484438 on Death walks these halls


Not enough creatures of the same type / sub type to be tribal wars:

Requires 20 creatures for a 60 card deck.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 08:13 as a comment on Hydra Hijinks


Need two more Eldrazi to be considered tribal wars.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 08:11 as a comment on The Cryptic Tomb


Not a tribal wars deck, you need 20 creatures of the same type or sub type to be considered tribal wars.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 08:09 as a comment on Devil Deck


You're missing one Owl to be tribal wars. Harpy is a "Harpy Beast" for its type/subtype.
1/3rd deck is 20 in a 60 card deck. You have 19.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 08:06 as a comment on How many licks does it take?


Nice one and for dirt cheap too. :)

Posted 01 August 2014 at 00:55 as a comment on [Pauper] Raging Berserkers


Sadly only 5 decks are marked with that tag for the whole site. And several of them are not Tribal format. As i said dont mean to come off as it may seem, just want to inform people that people do often misuse the term. Oh and i will correct the early statement a little: Tribal is a format like commander. It can use modern or legacy or even standard as the card base, but does have its own rules for play. Try it, you basically already do, just when you play someone, tell em no sideboarding if they have a similar style deck. It's harder to build for everything with just the deck, but it's hella fun.

Posted 30 July 2014 at 21:10 in reply to #488793 on Plane Of The Apes


Tribal = format (You know like Commander). Theme = A specific card or set of cards with synergy that follow an idea. Deck is not tribal if it does not meet the requirements for tribal, yours doesn't. Thus it is a theme deck based on illusions.

See here:

Posted 30 July 2014 at 21:02 in reply to #488475 on My Strategy is an Illusion!


I'd max out the phantom warrior to 4, he's just so annoying and cheap to boot. Easy way of course would be to use 2 of the dragon to get the amount of creatures correct for the format.

As to the equipment, yea i misread some of the cards. Thought it was when opponent targets.
As to removal to fill out the creatures, myself i'd drop the mana leaks, as they tend to be overly specific as far as counter spells go, and you might be better served by keeping your quick draw that you have.

Posted 30 July 2014 at 20:55 in reply to #488473 on Mindtricks


Let us know how it goes. :)

Posted 30 July 2014 at 20:48 in reply to #488971 on The Squid/Faerie Alliance


Modern is a format. Tribal is a format. You are describing a theme, an ape theme but a theme. Tribal is either A: Format like legacy, modern but is not generally ran as a sanctioned event for tournament. or B: Is a specific card type marked as tribal that has been released in various sets.

You've tagged the deck as tribal, and it does meet the creature requirements for that format, however the format does not allow sideboards. If you are only running it as modern, remove the tribal tag and marked it as theme instead. Not trying to be a jerk here but the tag is misued often on this site. Makes it hell to actually search for "legal" tribal decks.

Posted 30 July 2014 at 20:42 in reply to #488793 on Plane Of The Apes


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