
136 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Actually it is still 10. This deck is actually made for duel commander (Unspeakable symbol would be kinda dumb in multiplayer) but in most formats the poison counters still need to be 10 for lethal including EDH

Posted 21 January 2015 at 06:57 in reply to #529857 on Skithiryx EDH


If you want an example of mono black devotion decks, im making one now on my profile

Posted 06 April 2014 at 07:22 in reply to #453296 on Gray Bastard of Asphodel


Oh sorry. I kinda forgot to make it clear. Gray merchant of asphodel relies on your devotion to black right? Well with the cards you have here it really wont do much for you to call this a life steal deck with only the merchant to steal life. It just doesn't work like that. Your deck wont come together very well unless you go one of two ways. You could go towards mono black devotion and drop all of your blue cards and deal as much damage as possible with the merchant. OOOORRRR you could go do blue black control. It would be a lot more expensive though and for a beginner, pretty hard to play.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 07:21 in reply to #453296 on Gray Bastard of Asphodel


Drop the child of night. Its not doing anything for you. Get another 2 whips of erebos. That way you can keep bringing the merchant back from the yard to deal devotion damage again and again. Sanguine bond is a nice enchantment that gives good devotion but also will double the damage put out by Gray Merchant. Try read the bones. Its a common card for three that will really speed up your game and get you what you need from your deck and paying the two life is worth it. Get rid of the counter spells. You don't need them in a devotion deck. Get more abhorrent over lords and maybe some lifebane zombies or desecration demons if you can afford them. And as with all mono black devotion decks, I recommend removal spells. Doomblade, ultimate price and hero's downfall r all great

As a tip for a new guy, if you have the money to order single cards online, do it. You will get much better worth out of it then buying packs because you get exactly what you need. If you need any more advice just ask

Posted 06 April 2014 at 07:16 as a comment on Gray Bastard of Asphodel
