I'm looking to make a sliver deck right now. I also really love brood sliver/essence sliver ,but by that point in the game you should have a wide array of slivers on the field doing what need be done meaning it's best to keep your creature costs low. With no mana acceleration try to keep the highest cost a 3 pushing it a 4 at most unless you put in gemhide slivers. And don't use coat of arms it can really hurt you because most people play decks with like creature types and if you read the effects it doesn't say just your creatures it helps your opponent too. Also you're missing 1 card to make it 60. I love slivers they were the first competitive deck I used when I started playing :)
I'd take out might sliver it has too much of a high drop for what it does I'd replace it with quilled sliver. Also I'd remove coat of arms its good but it also helps you opponent.