I played against this deck, almost exact copies, twice, I trounced them every time, asides from attempting to beat me by riding swords to the win, which would get you naturalized, I see no way this deck would beat my r/g manabarbs aggro, I have won the past 4-5 fnm's, people from pro-tours etc play there, they made this because it won, it's a meta I love to shock (their delvers)
No, it is not pretty fun, I had this deck and every win you get with it is agonising and you feel like a dick. It's You never get to do anything ever then I ulti venser and exile your board. If you want to make it better remove the metamorphs and phantasmals and add fiend hunters (They are part of an awesome combo with cloudshift) Geist honoured monks and frost titans. Also, dungeon geist still only keeps 1 creature tapped. And think about geralfs mind crushed for a mill finisher, every time you bounce it the undying retriggers and they mill.
I like, reminds me of the old mono red elementals, swing for 6, give it double strike, fling it.
Add gravecrawlers.
I don't like the bats, and this isn't really aggro so much as mono control without the despises etc.
This looks very similar to what my deck used to be, I have changed mine a lot though and it beats almost anything, remove grimoires, the last thing you need to be doing with this deck is discarding cards, remove vengeful pharaohs, add another titan, remove unbreathings, the buff you get from reapers makes them better and although the hordes seem like a good idea whenever I draw them I always want something else, and, 2 more throats and blades with victim of the night and geth's verdict on the side. Adn remove the chants in favour of either surgical extractions or memoricides.
In it's current form I have replaced the 4 surgical extractions with memoricides so I can be a bit more proactive with my removal instead of waiting for them to play the card I want to purge but it is a trial run so far.