I'd keep the engines and clasps, and replace the titans with luminarch ascensions. One on turn turn two and you can proliferate it from there.
Nice! This looks really solid.
Why four seachrome coasts? I don't get the new dual lands, they're great turns 1-3 but they're terrible after that
Nice. Don't understand why you have two mox though? I'd take them out in favour of perilous myr. You can sac them to the kutholda rebirth to do damage and get three gobbos! :D
Essence Warden and Wellwisher!
Why do you have four memnites?
Contagion clasps to speed up getting venser to 8, also works amazingly well with everflowing chalice. Other than that I like it
Chain reaction combos beautifully with Brave the Elements- and it wipes out the fast breeding myr decks which have appeared everywhere within my local playing group. If I can get one counter on the ascention then I can proliferate it from there, which then adds power to the chain reaction once I start producing angels. Condemn and dispense justice deal well with infect creatures too. Basilisk collars would be nice but I don't have any.
Not with leyline of the void, which will be in M11 http://www.halfpricehobbies.com/catalog/images/leyline_of_the_void%5B1%5D.jpg