You aren't gonna hurt for mana that's for sure. Solid deck and concept, I like it.
Yeah that deck does have some nice milling cards, Nemesis of Reason and Glimpse the Unthinkable are the only ones I'd substitute for what I already have though. But yeah, nice deck and like you said... waaaaay more expensive.
I know if wanted to have a card with an ability for every creature in this deck it would be better. Creatures with abilities tend to be better as a whole. But as I said, this is what was I had when I made the deck. I can use the card search feature like the rest of you, and I can find better cards to replace what I have. But I don't own thise cards, yet. I do appreciate it if your trying to help me build a better deck, but if I wanted to post the best zombie deck ever I wouldn't have put up what I did. The psot likethat left resounded of "I am superior to you" so I blasted it. The others seem to be of good intent, I think. If not, then who really cares. But I do thank those of you that have shown me cards I hadn't seen before.
I didnt like the tone of your opening statement, so I didnt care much about the rest of what you had to say. But looking at your "kickass" zombie deck, I see two cards I'd like to use. Death Baron and Undead Warchief are nice cards, and honestly I had never seen either before. The rest of your deck is expensive fluff. This is a copy of a deck that I play, because its what I have, not what I look around on MTGVault to find and stick in there. My deck isnt built around sacrificing shit either, if it were I may look at some of the stuff you have. Not ALL creatures have to have an ability. Sometimes simplicity is better than over complicated shit that may not happen in the game at all. My deck is built to be moderately fast with buffs and creature return. I dont need to sac. them to bring them back, I'll let them do what damage they can, block what enemies they can, and if they go into the graveyard, I'll bring them back out with what I have easy enough.