you forgot vizzerdrix!
far\\away is too expensive for removal, the grisly spectacle is great for removal in this deck with the added mill effect. i added 2 hidden strings and 2 rogues passage. now i have 22 lands instead of 20. does this have more synergy now?
you could take out the black vise to add a 4th alter. i think that would make your deck legacy legal and possibly vintage. take out elixer and the jar of eyeballs to have 4 storm seeker. now here is where money starts to get piled up. you can drop all 8 islands to add 4 breeding pool and 4 tropical island. for more all players draw you can add 4 skyscribing by dropping the lotus petals. with your 20 lands you shouldnt need the lotus petals anyways. make your deck a rounded 60 by dropping the stroke of genius and i think you have a winner. hope this helps!
the tricks are to make sure my stuff gets thru. mid game with alot in their graveyard an unblockable consuming abberation is nothing to be ignored. also works with mirko, the couriers, and anything with the cipher attached to it
good idea. i have altered the deck list
i would, but virtually all of my mana is used to cast every turn. i have none left to save for counters. the grisly spectacle would most likely be used on my turn, or saved for when i know they will attack with big stuff
some slight modification. dropped the guildmages for a 4th courier and a 3rd grisly spectacle, then dropped the stolen identity for a 4th breaking/entering.
im going for milling their deck
the consuming aberration are there for messing with people, big mid game blockers, and to constantly be used from my 5 cipher spells. i made some minor changes to the deck to take into account the more expensive spells. grisly spectacle is needed for the removal of key creatures. it also messes with opponents as their big creatures are gone.