Thanks for the input, I'll keep those suggestions in mind, although this deck is a fairly low priority right now. It's pretty much made from scraps at this point. The cheaper ramp stuff I'll most likely include, but most of those awesome creatures are a bit out of my usual budget. That said, I do appreciate any new ideas. Thanks again.
You are a very helpful person. Karoos added for sure, always have some of those lying around. Others under consideration.I think it's fairly obvious that this deck is one of my least developed. I really appreciate an outside look at it. When I finally have all my decks (only about 7 or 8 more!) uploaded, I will be giving your decks a good look over. Don't know if I have any useful insight to share, but it's only right to return the favor, right?
Wow, if ever there was a card in my collection deserving the title of "I want to use this but don't quite know where to put it", it would be Dismiss Into Dream. That's perfect. Added. Thanks again.
Haha. yes, I did have one of those, and I'm slowly re-purposing it into a RU Instants & Sorceries deck. I don't mind the combos, myself, but I try to stay mindful of the people I play with (who are almost all very casual). If I pull out a mean combo, it's usually to just do it the one time, or to illustrate to the group the kinds of crazy combos that exist. Bosh is still a lot of fun without it, so it's no big deal.
I would have loved to see that. I can appreciate a good combo kill as long as it's crazy enough. My playgroup, not so much. What can ya do?
I like it, and I'm tempted, but I suspect that even the mental image of a giant iron golem somehow chucking himself, repeatedly, at everyone, wouldn't be enough to make them okay with it happening. You think up a lot of nasty combos, don't you?
Crap. Of course it is. Damn. Well, I was wondering what I was going to drop when the new Commander decks are out. Guess that's one easy pick. Thanks.
Hey, I appreciate the thoughts. I make so many decks that I don't always have time to look at them from angles that are different from whatever inspired me to create them in the first place. I think you're right, too. While my playgroup doesn't do the mill thing, a few of them are a bit too in love with stuff like Jokulhaups. I'll have to give the recursion angle some thought. Thanks again.
Hmmmmm, I like it. I think I might save that not-so kind combo for my Sharuum deck (Haven't put it up yet). Thanks.
Hah, nice, I had completely forgotten about it. I remember opening one back when Visions first came out, and thought it was total garbage (On the other hand, I also used to think Lightning Bolt was bad back then, soooooo...). I need to get Savage Punch in there, but the more the merrier, right?
Thanks for the comment! I appreciate the suggestion. I often find myself considering Spidersilk Armor for Green decks, but it never makes it into the final build. Fliers could be a problem, but time will tell if all the Fight stuff is good enough removal or not.