Thank you for your help, if you notice quite a few different cards have similar abilities so as to not totally rely on the paladin ans Mystic alone. the Automaton auto equips and the Squire can get things equipped if no Sigarda's aid is in play. and since most of the swords have only a CMC of 3 it is very easy to get things rolling.
no its not a troll its real. be nice i am sorta new at this. this deck is for fun play it can be whatever deck size i would like. i see your point on the "combo" issue, now that i think of it it wouldn't work at all, but could be used possibly in other ways. for the Land issue i forgot to add in the extra land that i dropped off the list as it wasn't really needed it was a combo green/white. i am always open to constructive advice for improvement of the deck.
just a fun deck that has been in my head works really well usually a turn 5 or 6 kill.