Likely 2nd turn win (under $60..

by wthomp86 on 10 November 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (7 cards)

Creatures (1)

Sorceries (1)

Enchantments (1)

Land (1)

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Deck Description

With this deck you can get a 2nd turn win (not everytime). If you don't get a 2nd turn win it's likely you will win in 3-4 turns.
For 2nd turn win you want these cards in your hand:
Leyline of Anticipation
Gemstone Cavern
Hurricane/Channel/Intervention Pact (atleast 2 if not all of these 3)
Mystical Tutor/Demonic Consultation (if you are missing any of the 3 ^above^)
Hickory Woodlot/Havenwood Battleground (in hand or first draw)
Any other land cards.

How it works:
(Assuming you draw Leyline of Anticipation, Gemstone Cavern, Hurricane, Channel, Mystical Tutor, LAND, LAND)
You first layout Leyline and Gemstone(discard A LAND to gemstone) before the game starts.
TURN 1: When it's your turn you draw a card (lets say Hickory Woodlot).
Play Hickory Woodlot, tap Gemstone Cavern for BLUE and Mystical Tutor for Intervention Pact(put ontop of library).
TURN 2: Draw Intervention Pact, play a LAND.
Sac Hickory Woodlot and tap LAND and play Channel (paying 20 life for 20 colorless mana *assuming you've not taken dmg*)
Play Hurricane paying the GREEN from the LAND and 20 colorless from Channel to deal 20dmg to everyone.
Play Intervention Pact on yourself in response to playing Hurricane (this will prevent the damage to you and put your life total back to 20).

The reason this will work is because the sorceries act as instants due to Leyline of Anticipation, therefor they don't resolve before the next begins. They just go on the stack. The first spell to resolve will be Intervention pact, which will in theory first prevent the 20dmg, from Hurricane, to you and gain you 20 life (putting your life total at 40). Then Channel resolves and you lose 20 life (leaving you with 20 life).


Deck Tags

  • Casual

Deck at a Glance

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

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