Very grateful for your advice, combing through the deck and then I'll let you know what I implement!
absolutely classic
This deck makes me cringe to think of playing against it. Fantastic idea and it came out wonderfully. I'm excited to go check out your other essence decks!
Switched out the Despise for three Go For the Throat and one Athreos I had on hand for fun. The current deck I'm using is slightly different than above, but I think that might be my final product. The only thing I am considering is to swap out the Sin Collectors for another cleric. Not sure which cleric, just an idea though. Thanks for all your input! It has helped a ton.
When play testing it, usually I am able to discard essential elements with the early discard and then maintain enough board control with Ajani's Presence and High Priest alongside using Silence for stall. I am thinking about throwing in a little bit more draw as it becomes really easy to drop my entire hand later in the game. 2 Remembrance might just be really fun as well for the games when I am unable to pull my Scion out by turn 2-4. I made a few changes, let me know if you think I still need the kill spells.My sideboards are just the cupboards of any potential cards. Too lazy to plan out sideboards for budget decks with my friends, just the base 60. Round robin tournament and then rinse and repeat
The master of the feast is to force draw. otherwise all discard effects I have become meaningless once my opponent is topdecking
Buried alive instead of hymn?
Athreos, God of Passage
Thanks for the help! They are great ideas :)
Love the feel of this deck! Devour and eldrazi spawn work well together with the versatility of them.If your feeling like having some fun for later in the game as well and don't care about price I would recommend taking out 2 rampant growth for 2 of Rhys The Redeemed... Kind of insane card, especially in a devour deck.anyway I really enjoy your deck :)
Ya, Thanks for all your help! :)
Took out a Thaumage, a Stalker, a Forest, and a curiosity, added 2 counterspells for repelling nasty spells :D and then added 2 murkfiend liege for a fun and different permanent style of overrun. Hope you guys enjoy!
Budget Unblockable Hexproof!!! Hope you enjoy and leave comments :) Any Advise Welcomed!
A mostly low cost First Strike Deathtouch Deck, hope you enjoy!
Haha, ya its kinda more for sh*ts and giggles :D but it is an intresting input! Thanks!
Took Your advise, I'm dying to try it out.