
0 Decks, 3 Comments, 2 Reputation

So basically you'll get double counters on noble? Damn dude thats crazy furor seems strange

Posted 21 November 2012 at 06:38 as a comment on Naya Aggro Deck (standard)


Great deck and even better name looks like a great deck to play around with friends unlike hobomike i think this deck looks like its got a nice chance at staying alive early in games with cards like swiftfoot boots and coilfang oracle

Posted 04 August 2012 at 18:32 as a comment on Carlos Mencia


are you retarded? how are counterspells and a 5/5 for 2 mana weak? also why would he change his entire deck around. "oh i have an idea, instead of u/g control it might work better as a black discard deck." obviously hes just making a fun deck to play around with friends.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 18:25 in reply to #278578 on Carlos Mencia
