
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Try +4 vengevine, +2 loutus cobra, +2 Birds of paradise, +2 Grave titan, +2 Bloodghast, +4 oblivion ring, -1 vengeful pharoh, -1 Gideon, -3 leyline of sanctity,- 4 chancelor of the tangle, -1 druid satchel, -3 timeley reinforcements, -3 mental mistep. It will allow you to discard a blood ghast, vengevine or pharoh to the shaman to go get another while always haveing fautter to the shaman to keep bringing vengevone and bloodghast back to play. Your secondary plan is to play turn three gideon or gravetitan, either becomes a problem for aggro or midrange decks.

Posted 19 July 2011 at 17:58 as a comment on Vengeful Fauna
