
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

By reading the description i am guessing you are trying to go demonless kaalia, and I will try to keep that in mind for my suggestions. To start with a couple of cards that have versions that are better in effectively every way [card]chalice of life[/card] over [card]marble chalice[/card] it is easier to cast and can turn into a wincon late game, for [card]Otherworld Atlas[/card] I would probably swap it for [card]Mind's Eye[/card]. Another one when RTR comes would be to swap [card]Vessel of Endless Rest[/card] for [card]Chromatic Lantern[/card]. In general with kaalia you want to run lots of hard hitting creatures that you can bring out for free and you will not often be casting a lot of your creatures as such [card]Dragonspeaker Shaman[/card] is not normally that great for her and [card]Slumbering Dragon[/card] is not normally good in edh since if you draw it past early game it won't do anything since it can't start swinging, and [card]Kargan Dragonlord[/card] since while it is a good creature it is not a dragon or angel so you cannot play it for free and you must pay a total of 10 mana for something that you can get for essentially free using kaalia. for creatures some to look at would be [card]Bogardan Hellkite[/card], [card] Dragon Tyrant[/card], [card]Hellkite Charger[/card], [card]Kokusho, the Evening Star[/card](recently unbanned), [card]Moonveil Dragon[/card], [card]Steel Hellkite[/card],[card]Thundermaw Hellkite[/card], [card]Akroma, Angel of Fury[/card], [card]Akroma, Angel of Wrath[/card], [card]Angel of Despair[/card], [card]Angelic Arbiter[/card], [card]Baneslayer Angel[/card], [card]Iona, Shield of Emeria[/card], [card]Voice of All[/card].

For some of the other spells I would suggest removing [card]Absolute Grace[/card] and [card]Absolute Law[/card] since they are giving all of your opponents protection from your main colors making your stuff weaker, instead some cards to add would be [card]swiftfoot boots[/card] and [card]lightning greaves[/card] since they both give haste and protection. With the greaves potentially allowing you to swing on turn 4 putting anything into play against mono colored decks this could be Iona for the auto win.

Land wise try to get some duals in it since you are playing 3 colors, [card]Command Tower[/card], any of the three vivid lands in your colors and generally whichever lands will let you quickly get all 3 of your colors so you can get swinging and playing free beefy beatsticks

Posted 03 October 2012 at 05:40 as a comment on Feathers and Fire
