Deck created with cards I own. Feedback is appreciated, Flames will be ignored.
Please note, this deck created using only cards I own, it is not intended for tournament play. House rules we use - Deck size: 60 to 75, no more than 4 of any creature or spell. No banned or limited cards.
And thank you by the way :)
Thanks :)
Not many people play wizards but that's where Imagecrafter comes in. "Oooh.. look you have a big nasty 12/12 trample beastie.. He's a wizard, now he's mine" :)
OK the things people need to realize: These decks are constructed with the cards I own. If I don't have it, it ain't in there. Second, these are not meant to be tournament legal, they are casual play. Third, my friends and I like to toy with each other, these are not designed to be fast kill. As I get new cards, they will be revamped but honestly I'm not using this site so everyone can tell me how badly their deck will destroy me. I'm using it to keep track of decks as I construct and deconstruct. So feel free to post comments but know that I'll most likely be ignoring the vast majority of them, especially if all they concern is how much my deck blows goats :)
Lavamancer is still viable, even without wizards, Wall of diffusion is because the people I play with like to use shadow and lava dart is cheap