i would also like to add (but they arent on the site yet), Sarkhan Dragonspeaker, and 3 Frontier Bivouac, from the Khans of Tarkir set. Crippling Chill will also come from that set. I will remove 2 mountain, 1 island, and 1 chandra.
If i could get assistance with this deck, that would be awesome. I would like to build a good standard red/blue, based around the dragons. I'm fairly new getting back into magic after many years, and the first time I didnt play any tournaments or know about the different game types, so im still new. Also I know that Dragon Egg and Dragon Hatchling are rotating out next week, so could anyone suggest some good cards to replace them. Some new blue would be nice, and life gain possibly. Thanks a lot.
What do you all think of the new Sliver cards? How does this deck stack up? Thanks for any assistance and advice!