Yes, I know I need 2 more Breeding Pools.
This has a deceptively fast start. Best opening hand includes Island, Forest, Rapid Hybridization, Cloudfin Raptor, and Young Wolf (a Breeding Pool for either basic land is of course OK).
Turn 1) Island, Cloudfin Raptor.
Turn 2) Forest, Young Wolf (proc Evolve on Raptor). Cast Rapid Hybridization on Young Wolf, which bounces to the graveyard and comes back as a 2/2, procing evolve on the Raptor. Then bring in the the 3/3 Frog from Rapid Hybridization (you get to determine which creature enters the battlefield 1st), which procs Evolve ont the Raptor again. Your Raptor is now 3/4. Attack with it. By the end of Turn 2, you have a 3/4 flying Raptor, a 2/2 Wolf, and a 3/3 Frog.
Turn 3) Land, Gyre Sage. Turn creatures sideways for 8.
Turn 4) Land, Biovisionary (procs Evolve on Gyre Sage). Turn creatures sideways if that will win you the game; otherwise ensure you have at least the Sage, BV, and 2 creatures remaining.
Turn 5) Land. Tap Gyre Sage for 1 mana (6 total). Cast Infinite Reflection on Biovisionary. You now have 4+ Biovisionaries. Win the game. w00t.
Alternate Strategies:
1) Ooze Flux in a Simic deck is disgusting. Evolve several creatures, so they have a few +1/+1 counters on them. Pull 1 counter off each creature, pool them together, and make an Ooze. That Ooze proces Evolve on all the creatures you just pulled counters from (replacing those counters). Repeat this until no longer funny or out of mana.
2) Depending on the tempo of the game, it can be worth sending the 2/2 Young Wolf into certain death on Turn 3 to have the opportunity to hit the 3/4 Cloudfin Raptor with a Morbid-active Hunger of the Howlpack (or two). A 6/7 or 9/10 flier ready to attack on Turn 4 is relatively difficult for many decks to match.
3) My local meta is big on token-heavy decks backed up by bomb creatures. Infinite Reflection one of their tokens. Goodbye bombs - and goodbye ability to bring anything BUT tokens onto the board for a while (not recommended when facing Krenko).
4) other Biovisionary win condition:
Turn 1: Cloudfin Raptor
Turn 2: Cast Gyre Sage.
Turn 3: Cast Biovisionary (Evolves Gyre Sage).
Turn 4: Get Raptor killed in combat. Cast Hunger of the Howlpack on Gyre Sage. In 2nd Main Phase, cast Progenitor Mimic on Biovisionary.
Turn 5: if you draw Biovisionary, you win. (Original Biovisionary, the Mimic, and the the one you drew.)
Turn 6: Get another Biovisionary token, make it to the End Step of your turn, win the game.