
26 Decks, 22 Comments, 0 Reputation

how about things that have a comes into play effect?

Posted 08 October 2010 at 00:46 as a comment on Venser's deck.


Just had a badass draw, in order of draw
fling, fiend, staggershock, Lightning bolt, mountain,mountain,mountain
Lightning bolt
----------led to a turn four which went:
rebound staggershock from turn 3
lay 4th mountain
lightning bolt x 2
attack for 10 with kiln fiend
fling the fiend
----------that's 28 damage on turn 4(with only a mountain left in hand btw)

Posted 27 September 2010 at 12:41 as a comment on Kiln fiend - standard


also, both the boots and the cloak are about equally lame for the front end and the cloak is much better for the middle game, so it may as well be the cloak ;)

Posted 27 September 2010 at 12:35 in reply to #88735 on Kiln fiend - standard


Yep, after some testing I decided that if all damage goes through I should normally kill on turns 4/5/6 depending on the draw...but if you don't win that quickly then the deck fizzles out...so a whispersilk cloak should keep the fiend hammering for the few turns it would take to move into middle game.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 12:34 in reply to #88735 on Kiln fiend - standard


I did, and you may be right. my problem was in the equip cost of 3 on the cloak. by the time I get a kiln fiend and the boots out and equip him I feel like the game is already decided. I may test it with either equipment and then neither and see what I like.

Posted 23 September 2010 at 13:41 in reply to #88653 on Kiln fiend - standard


I made my version. it can be found here:

Posted 23 September 2010 at 12:59 in reply to #88643 on Mono Red Control


I'm guessing that the scalding tarn is in there to help thin the deck a bit and to work with the landfall ability of the plated geopede. Why not put in 4 if that's what you're looking to do? Also, I feel like assault strobe, fling and kiln fiend were made for eachother so 4 of each of those would be pretty pimp. Standard players use a lot of non-basic lands, I'd think about adding Trailblazer's Boots to the deck to get around stuff that manages to stay alive in fire.

Taking out things is harder. I'd say reverberate may be a safe bet since those require you to have 2 cards in hand(does the rebound for staggershock work with reverb? I honestly have no idea). kargan and obsidian fireheart would be my first real targets to get rid of because while they are good for moving red into the long game, this deck is not built to stay in for a long time. arsonist also seems like a bit of a mismatch, as is volcanic strength.

as far as the sideboard goes you are missing the punishing fire and do you really ever use chandra or shiv's embrace? you can build a deck around her but sideboarding her in seems ill advised because she is so slow. My weakness is always a UW control deck, it looks like this deck suffers from the same thing and I don't know what to suggest really.

Posted 23 September 2010 at 12:37 as a comment on Mono Red Control


make sure to use a wide range of basic land artists for that squirrel farm. I just liked using ashnod's coupon. I might put one in a regular deck just to see what someone would do.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 13:51 as a comment on Confetti......of DOOM!


it's fun as a theme deck. I wouldn't want to try to fly past it.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 13:43 as a comment on ... What's That Clicking Noise?


so...why have Terramorphic Expanse? you're bringing in a tapped island instead of just having an island. I guess to thin out the deck, but it seems like you're shooting yourself in the foot to get a new pair of shoes.
also, there is nothing to return things if they get out before you have the mana, or if he casts multiple spells that get around your countermagic. before 3 or 4 lands you're relying on deprive to be in hand and forcing your mages to wait until you have about 6-7 mana to cast them.
Also, in this deck, magosi seems kind of pointless. all you do on your turn is draw, land, done so giving him 2 turns before your 2 turns gives his deck more of an advantage I'd think.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 13:39 as a comment on No.


i like the concept, but it's missing some removal/control. the blightnings help some and grixis is a good addition. but the deck feels like it will take a pounding to beatdown decks and maybe burn.

Posted 09 September 2010 at 13:15 as a comment on GRIXIS MIILLLLLLLLLLL



Posted 07 September 2010 at 15:45 as a comment on PIKACHU!!!! I CHOOSE YOU!!!


...blue is the second color.

Posted 02 September 2010 at 21:17 in reply to #85067 on bronze bazaar


good idea. I was thinking about adding blue, but didn't find anything that REALLY made me need it. I also added cemetery puca as a nice combo.

Posted 02 September 2010 at 14:21 in reply to #84518 on bronze bazaar


I made a deck with a similar idea: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=89242
but mine was focused more on the merfolk as the engine. I found it hard to whittle because so much of it works well together.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 13:15 as a comment on Wizards Tribal


Man, there were some good cards I missed in the few years I was out. spitemare is definitely the better choice...which means I have to rename the deck. the 1 toughness always bothered me about maniac. plus i don't need him for a few turns till things are set up so turn 4/5/6 is when I'd want him anyway. I cleaned up some of the mana. I may turn some of those 7 dual lands into plains still. I'll decide after testing. 7 seems like a lot of possible mana just for the kill card earthquake.

Posted 25 August 2010 at 10:00 in reply to #82368 on Here, you take it!


I took out some stuff that didn't gel as well with the deck like the howling mines (nice but unnecessary) and the 1 land that gives me creatures back from the graveyard if I have 7 plains...the deck shouldn't be losing enough creatures or holding 7 plains for long enough for that to be effective anyway.

Posted 23 August 2010 at 14:27 in reply to #82368 on Here, you take it!


thanks for the suggestions. I decided to add a couple of indestructibility to the deck. putting that on the maniac would be a great combo. I only added 2 for now because It is a bit expensive for the deck at 4, but I may decide to shove in the full set if I feel like the combo works out better than the simple mother of runes to keep things alive.

(Mother doesn't allow things to get damaged so the maniac doesn't happen, but indestruct does!)

Posted 23 August 2010 at 14:11 in reply to #82368 on Here, you take it!


burn decks can be ridiculous sometimes

Posted 19 August 2010 at 15:15 as a comment on fire collar


in 5 test hands I had 1 where I got the hexmage combo off in turn 2 and 2 where I had a lich in turn 1
one of those test hands I swung for 5 in turn 2 and 10 in turn 3.

Posted 19 August 2010 at 14:45 as a comment on lichmage


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