
1 Deck, 47 Comments, 7 Reputation

Your budget theme decks continue to inspire me. Thank you for your efforts-I know we are all learning a lot.

I recently started a five deck budget series format based on the Theros Ordeals, if you get a chance-come thro and take a look-there is a description with each deck.


Posted 16 February 2015 at 04:51 as a comment on Budget Duel: Soldier - Goblin


Nightmare is such a classic card-good to see it in here.

I think this deck captures the essence & power of black in a strong way for newer players.

Interesting timing, when I signed on the other day my whole point was to make decks for beginners, b/c most of my friends don't play Magic-and I wanted to have something ready in case they wanted to learn-then I saw that you had posted this and saw that we were aligned haha.


Posted 17 December 2014 at 13:00 as a comment on Starter Budget: Standard Black


I like what you've done with the place, Warlord.

Mortify is such a mean card, but that Angelic Benediction w/tap ability tho...so damn ruthless.

I made a version of the b/w Exalted a while back: here's mine

Posted 18 September 2014 at 00:30 as a comment on Budget Decks: Vicious Exalted


Also for the record (this might show my lack of immersion) but I never thought it was possible that Green could pull this off as Mono. You snapped.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 02:38 as a comment on Control is Blue, right?!


I was scratching my head at first with the snow covered land inclusion until I saw thermokarst and realized that you dual-functioned it to both lay waste to opps' land while also giving you an option for last minute cling to life option when used again yourself. The inclusion of Argurthian Wurm is genius for exactly the reason that you described-it is somewhat one trick pony against the same player but who cares haha, savor the fun while it lasts.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 02:37 as a comment on Control is Blue, right?!


This is next level, just cascading with Flavor my Dood. Nicely done.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 02:26 in reply to #492895 on Will Shakespeare Flavor Text


I really enjoy your decks, b/c it seems like you are just really having fun creating them instead of trying to be insane about being "unbeatable". This is my favorite from your Paragon series. I have a similar approach-I'm a fan of the cheap and flavorful.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 02:17 as a comment on Budget Decks: Paragon of Beast


Um...you need to transform this into amphibian (amphibious) assault vehicle? haha



Posted 16 July 2014 at 12:16 in reply to #483549 on M15, Frog Tribal is possible.


@NikkiPhoenixRising thanks for the Recumbent Bliss, I totally forgot that card, it's just what I needed for my Armageddon Wurms deck.

Posted 09 July 2014 at 12:50 in reply to #479967 on Budget: Dee-vine Intervention


I'm a fan of burn decks. Have you ever thought of using chandra's spitfire? It's triggered ability goes well with decks like this.

Posted 08 July 2014 at 19:11 as a comment on Standard Burn (Retired)


I love it. Flavor for miles, I'm an advocate of budget (not always, but it resonates) and I agree that sometimes some inferior/overcosted creatures need to involved b/c of theme. I'm a sucker for using cards that are harder to play with for that reason, and b/c they are often discarded/overlooked by others.

Pacifism is one of my favorite white common Core cards, it is so Choice, and is esp. tasteful for this deck.

Posted 07 July 2014 at 15:22 as a comment on Budget: Dee-vine Intervention


"Quid Quo Pro, Clarice"

A worthy challenge, Jessie.

In response to the above, I'm very new here, and I use this site primarily as a resource to organize my own decks or build before buying. It doesn't offend me that I don't get views or comments. I do look at other decks though, even if I often don't comment.

Deathtouch G/B (Pharika/Nemesis of Mortals)


Exalted B/W (Nefarox)


Flash G/U


Morbid G/R (Swine)


Morbid (B/U) (Skirsdag/Blue Draw)


Posted 07 July 2014 at 12:43 as a comment on Static Ability Challenge


Those Deathrite Shamans are so sick, it's too bad that they are so expensive when copping singles.

I like your thematic pairing of Pharika w/ Vraska, I did that recently with a graveyard/deathtouch/Nemesis of Mortals deck I made. I also made another gravedump deck that is focused more on expendable enchantment creatures and Forsaken Drifters in order to feed Nighthowler and Graverobber Spider.

I agree with your apparent rationale for stocking more higher cost cards-some of them are way more feasible if you get enough corpses in your graveyard, plus we both know that with decks like this most of them will get massgraved.

Posted 05 July 2014 at 18:17 as a comment on Graveyard


Mirthful accolades for thine unloved arsenals hence forth

Posted 01 July 2014 at 02:29 as a comment on Want deck comments? Read here!


Extra creativity points haha. Turtle Power!

Posted 30 June 2014 at 03:56 as a comment on Mutant Ninja Turtle in Magic!


@Jewn I agree, sometimes it's just about having fun with a deck and being flavorful. I'd rather lose in a casual game with a hilarious deck than be obsessed with efficiency and numbers, although I have decks for winning also haha.

Posted 15 June 2014 at 01:54 in reply to #470754 on Meh Many Starfishies


Sick idea. I've been playing with the idea of putting together a Blightcaster/Auramancer combo meal deck w/ theros block enchantment creatures but haven't made it happen yet.

Posted 28 May 2014 at 12:41 as a comment on B/G Enchantments
