Usually when a card makes a big splash in commander, the CAG and RC keep a close eye on it. Haven't seen teferi popping up a whole bunch in commander, though :(
Thanks so much! :)
It's not a commander deck. Canadian Highlander is a format most easily summarized as 100-card singleton Vintage.
This is not mine. It's in the new Wizards product Explorers of Ixalan.
Mono-green unblockable, screw Color Philosophies
Yeah, it was a bad example, but hopefully you see my point about how this should not be considered a solid selesnya landbase on its own.
Yeah, I just remembered I had to update these, so everything is updated now
I'm going to guess this was made before Paradox Engine came out, but yeah, it definitely needs to be added.
This is like a storm deck, but using Aetherflux Reservoir to Storm yourself enough life to one-shot your opponent.
Orbs of Warding? Being Hexproof=best insurance
...Thanks? The deck isn't mine, I just posted Tolarian Community College's since his decks are on tappedout, and not here.
I was having a hard time finding a compiled list that wasn't just Gatherer.
Like I said, I would too, but this is just the decklist for the bfz rakdos intro pack.
I would too, but this is just the decklist for the bfz rakdos intro pack.
Yeah, I wasn't too keen on telling people, because I wasn't sure if it was technically allowed, but yeah. I think that intro packs are great resources for seeing how certain cards work together, and this site is a great place to learn how to deckbuild, so I figured it was best to combine those ideas and put the decks up so people can see the specs.
I know. These decks are all from back when 41 was the standard for intro packs. If you check the other decks, most of them have 60.