I can't give you a thumbs up till you add some land. 20 isn't enough for this type of deck.
I think you may be interested in Cosmic Larva.
Might work.
May need a few lands.
I do know of the combo but Dark depths is not really the win card. It's in here as an option. Thanks for the suggestion. I wanted to make this deck about undying. Dark depths came to mind with aether snap and I couldn't resist including one. Even though it's the most costly card in the deck.
You should go all green and add a couple more forests. Trade sacred pray for scavenging ooze. Loxodon warhammer!
I think you got this. +1 like
you need more lands. you will die before your able to play most of your cards.
I have a similar deck. Pierce strider is good too.
I like where your going with archers but I think you can take out jolraels centaur. If you can give scattershot archer some deathtouch (gorgons head) you will never have any problems with flyers. You can add in a few more surprises with more instants or some global enchanments. Hunted Troll +2
I see now.
Where is your kill card?
I like the sin series. Gave em all a like.
Why not Athreos god of passage, batwing brume, mortify, gift of orzhova, Zealous Persecution and deathbringer leige? You have enough land to support it and you can take out cremate.
where is scavaging ooze?
Good against creatures. Bad against burn. Most decks relie on creatures though. Some poliferate might help your elecutors and accord.
your deck inspired me to make a mono white slivers deck
needs more slivers. spinneret sliver, root sliver, reflex sliver, quick sliver, muscle sliver. less not slivers.
Viridian long bow does the same and you can lose the red mana.
I like the infinite earthcraft, squirrel nest combo. Its gotta be humiliating to be beat by an army of squirrels. The art on deranged hermit is great. Coat of arms could be a nice finisher.