oh yea oops
Yea, Lurrus as companion and 3 others in the main deck (total of 4 Lurrus and a guaranteed Lurrus as companion)Probably only need 22 maybe even 20 lands and run gutterbones are whisper squad...very low mana cost deck
Well your deck certainly has commons and uncommons and rares...lolElectrostatic field looks like a good fit (uncommon)
Can Planeswalkers be commanders...I thought not
So I'm looking and just cant seem to see the infinite turns...looks like a fun deck though!!
So do you get the cat back to the battlefield for free basically if Broodmoth is OTB. Also maybe instead of the Yanling PW, I'm thinking Liliana DG. Cool beans
You mean Athreos, Shroud-Veiled??
With 4 Thassa's Oracle and some removal i could see this actually working more often than not.
cool beans
I seen people using Fae of Wishes to bring in Approach of the Second Sun
I was crushed when FOD was banned
ugh... such as shame
zombies are kewl...nice deck
Brave the Elements for one mana is an awesome card...I need something like that for the current standard rotation.
Smells like SwampAss
Immolation shaman is a good add
Did you go 8/0 in Standard Ranked Event on MTG Arena?? A Yarok the Desecrated would help the field of dead become an unstoppable force from what I've been seeing in Standard. Nice deck though!!!
Nice!!!...I'm gonna try it out
You could throw in some scry lands so you can have an edge on the draw...just a suggestion. Btw, I can't believe I never thought of this deck...doh!!!! It's getting swampy up in here !-0
Maybe Iron Maiden LOL !!!!!!!!!
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