A nice deck. I've been looking around for ideas for this kind of deck for awhile. Not sure about the sideboard: Frostburn Weird Isn't that great, and Flames of the Firebrand could be let go for more of the Mizzium Mortars. Consider mainboarding Turn//Burn as well: the wording on fuse (you may CAST one or both halves of this card from your hand) mean that when you cast both halves it counts as two spells, causing Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe to trigger twice. I like the balance of the deck, and it looks like it'll run really well. I might proxy this off and run it a bit myself. Work on the sideboard though, and consider Turn//Burn.
Thanks, Mursh! I took your advice (but tried to consider cost of some cards-this deck is already ridiculously out of my price range). I liked adding Duress and Innocent Blood as low-cost control and especially liked Living Wish as another means of getting Vampire Hexmage and Dark Depths out. I also got rid of trying to turn Dark Depths into a creature for Fate Transfer (You were right- that was too much combo and I rarely have creatures to put the counters on anyways) which made plenty of room for your card suggestions. Thanks again for your help!
Really? I thought you were only allowed one per deck... Didn't think of Vesuva though. I'll take them out. Instead I probably need something to give Marit Lage trample if I'm just gonna have one... thanks for the advice.