
0 Decks, 28 Comments, 3 Reputation

Very cool . . . Phyrexian Rebirth might be a fun sideboard option for the uprising token decks . . .

Posted 16 July 2012 at 16:10 as a comment on Blaster-Burst


Very solidly put, but I don't think this deck is capable of lethal damage before the opponent puts down their own threats. All it needs is some answers to the opponent. Otherwise, I really love the deck.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 16:01 as a comment on Aura of greatness


I do believe this could use some tweaking in regards to the first few turns, as those will show inconsistent drawing of what you need that turn. In other words, the mana curve could use improving. Try replacing the Cancels with Mana Leaks, and add more two or less costing cards that can stall you till you get your sphinxes out. If you do this, you would need to to take out the Frabricates and Enlightened tutors, since there are enough sphinxes in this deck so that you will be drawing them consistently enough. 4x Etherium Sculptor is a MUST in this deck. Since you have artifact lands, Dispatch and Stoic Rebuttal would be great. Grand Architect is also good for ramp.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 15:20 as a comment on Relic Sphinx


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