M13 Prerelease Token deck

by wing1221 on 10 July 2012

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Deck Description

went 2-2 by the time we left. Probably should have gone 3-1 but lost a game because of a couple of stupid decisions in my part. Sealed pack tournament.

Reasoning behind pick:
Should have switched faith's reward with a safe passage to save my weenie's from stuff like chandra's fury or rain of blades. Knight of glory was useful against black but i didn't end up playing much black creature decks so it was not as strong as i would hope. And i didn't use exalted at all. I played two kitesail for protection against the flyers for my deck had none in it. Didn't end up having too much trouble with that. Only one person played blue flyers that night. Rummaging goblin and goblin arsonist were mostly for goblin ramp with krenko. Yet both were useful when the abilities were activated. Rancor and Titanic growth were just needed to ramp up the 1/1's and finish the opponent quick enough. Goblin Battle Jester is just a great goblin for sealed. In primarily red decks can be too much to handle for your opponent. Chandra was one of my bombs. Throw her in and then people don't want the ultimate to pop (which one me a game). Not the most useful card because she was gotten rid of but strong non the less. My second bomb was the Crusader of Odric. Probably the biggest card i had but ended up being controlled the most. The most controlled card in this deck was krenko, Mob boss. Put it this way, how many goblins could i get out before i put him out 3-4 every game. That becomes 8/10 the next turn. Very strong in the format. Became controlled every game he was out. Who doesn't like 1/1's? The heart of my deck. The weenies. Captains call was good for it pushed them out. But Krenko's command was just the winner in this game. Turn two for two that has synergy with krenko. You can't go wrong.

Overall the three cards that won me the most games were cleaver riot, pacifism, and oblivion ring. Working together resulted in 14 damage on turn 6 or so. Won me almost all of my games (if not all). Just really the best cards i had pulled. When i saw both of the whites i knew i had to play white. Since i got no murders i couldn't play black effectively. Cleaver riot was a last minute add but i am glad i added it. Together with Goblin battle jesters => a win every time.

So this was my deck. The first match i steam rolled my opponent. The second game i lost only because of crazy life gain on his part and white control (two pacifisms and an o ring). The third i won the first game easily, lost the second to a poor decision to not mulligan and third lost it on a poor decision not to naturalize a sands of delirium. And the last game i destroyed him.

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  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

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