Bolas, the RavagerThis deck is the epitome of battlecruiser Magic. In general the point of the deck is to resolve more threats than the board can reasonably remove or control. This is largely dependent on the ability to ramp mana into big creatures, while also keeping gas in your hand consistently. Its a straightforward strategy: play dragon ---> hit face ---> profit. The deck also comes with a few control pieces to protect your board and answer oppenents' threats.
More Cards to add:Dralnu, Lich LordCradle of the AccursedGray Merchant of AsphodelSidisi, Undead VizierNoxious GhoulRisen ExecutionerLich Lord of UnxSoulless OneGravespawn SovereignCorpse Connoisseur (I have a Korean one somewhere I think)Scourge of Nel TothCustodi LichStronghold AssassinZombie TrailblazerPontiff of BlightNecromancer's StockpileGeier Reach Sanitarium
Cards to add:Liliana, Death's MajestyLiliana, Last Hope (if price allows)Stir the SandsDread WandererLord of the AccursedLiliana's Expertisenew GravediggerDoomed Dissenter (maybe? cuz flavor)Never to Return
Remove:AnointChange of HeartSunhome GuildmageAdd:1xPlains1xMountainCall for Unity
Added:Tezzeret the SchemerOath of AjaniWinding ConstrictorSkyship PlundererRemoved:SunbondIkra Shidiqi, the UsurperSublime Exhalationx1 Swampx1 Forest
Removed 1xSwamp for Yahenni