Frey is now cursed
Detain... is the counter measure to this deck...
Imma find out at fnm. Lol
You needs the power of quicksilver amulet!!!! Lol
Your infinite loop idea. Can I exile a Fiend hunter1 with another Fiend hunter2 then exile that Fiend hunter2 with another Fiend Hunter3 to bring back the other Fiend Hunter1 to then exile the other Fiend Hunter3 which i will then create the Infinite loop. and this idea along with Cathar's Crusade and/or Champion of Lamb/Champion of the Perish to create infinite +1/+1 counters on my creatures at which point I've won because i broke the game? THAT SIR! IS THE GREATEST IDEA EVER! THANK YOU!
If anyone is confused on anything check the how to play; if it is not explained there leave a comment and I will try to explain or seek advice on how to make the deck better.