
6 Decks, 60 Comments, 13 Reputation

Ahaha! Thanks, i will work on it. If you would like to try it your self, thats one more request for you! =) ahah

Also, if you want check what I've been working on and if you have some tips, there are still some cards there that I'm not sure: http://www.mtgvault.com/whound/decks/ulas-quest/

Posted 25 April 2014 at 20:17 in reply to #455996 on Budget Decks: Favors of Death


Amazing! ahah =)

Posted 25 April 2014 at 20:14 as a comment on Budget Decks: One dollar deck?


Inaction Injunction, nice touch to fix the draw problem! =)
Will you use the Nyx Thaumaturge guy to go along with 4 curse of the swine? eheh

Posted 25 April 2014 at 17:18 in reply to #453473 on Useless Token Control


I'm actually thinking of ordering this deck. I really love decks full of sinergy embedded in a tribal theme that is so flavourful! And maybe that's why Innistrad block is one of my favorites! Lots of flavour going on there! eheh

But I will try an ideia with this, for casual play of course. I also love the Glory of Avancyn deck from Duels of The Planeswalkers 2014, you know? So I'm thinking of making a two-in-one deck! It plays game one in mono-white Human/Angel tribal, with Angelic Overseer, Mikaeus The Lunarch, Unruly mob... And in game 2 (or vice versa, depending on my mood ahah) the Angels would become Demons, Mikaeus would become the Unhallowed, Unruly mob would transform into Village Cannibals and the deck function like a human sacrifice machine like this one! ehehe

What do you think? =)

Posted 25 April 2014 at 17:01 in reply to #455996 on Budget Decks: Favors of Death


Great budget deck! And yeah, Athreos will love it! =)

Posted 16 April 2014 at 20:09 in reply to #455996 on Budget Decks: Favors of Death


Yeah, i get that, maybe 2 of each? =P
And are you not having trouble with the draw shortage? I would probably side all the duresses, or maybe even better, trade all the cluestones for Read the bones or something like that? The deck is cheap, I feel the draw is more important than the mana ramp.

Posted 08 April 2014 at 16:46 in reply to #453473 on Useless Token Control


Pretty nice deck! =D

I was going to suggest bile blights because only the 4 Illness In the Ranks is to few but then I noticed the Ratchet Bomb tapping with 0 counters and marveled at that genius touch! Well done!

But maybe I can suggest Vortex Elemental instead of the drakes? Its pretty versatile, hard to deal, and can itself deal with anything almost!

Posted 06 April 2014 at 20:27 as a comment on Useless Token Control


Hi AZ88, here is my first control deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/whound/decks/1st-control/ eheh

It was made with the avaiable cards I and my friends have because that's all we can afford but its pretty fun to play (those vortex elementals are hilarious!). Take a look and give me some tips if something comes to mind! =) Thank you!

Posted 05 April 2014 at 13:40 in reply to #449168 on Standard: Azorius Control


Nice deck!
Couple of suggestions:
Some Altar's Reap to give you draw (especially against control decks) since the deck is so cheap that you're going to empty your hand pretty fast.
Carrion feeder instead of the bettles to give you a better and faster sacrifice engine along with the demonic appetite.


Posted 22 March 2014 at 11:53 as a comment on Mono Black Sacrifice


Great decks, I have seen them before. Currently digging the American control also. =)
I'm actually trying to do a kind of creature-based control deck around wolves and Werewolves (I'm limiting the card pool around the flavour). It's based on cards like Master of the wild hunt (the fighting mechanic), Huntmaster of the Fells, Tovolar's Magehunter, that property of wolves flipping with the number of spells played. I'll make sure to show you once its finished. =)

Posted 21 March 2014 at 02:04 in reply to #449168 on Standard: Azorius Control


I just love this deck! eheh Wish I could play with it in a FNM just to feel the power in my hands! =) Sure its not the best control deck ever but it has some great great cards, some that will define U/W control decks for a long time. And look at that mana curve! Mathematical eheh. Lovely control deck AZ88. =)

Posted 21 March 2014 at 01:33 as a comment on Standard: Azorius Control


Hi there! I like your deck! It reminded me of this one: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/rc/286

I think that if you mix the best of both iunto one it will be a powerful standard archetype!

Posted 12 March 2014 at 08:37 as a comment on No No, you don't get a turn.


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