I hardly consider this wasting time. The only time wasted is that which you use commenting on this deck. If you don't like what he's doing then go your own way. The last thing we need is someone like you posting crap about someone who's helping the new generation.
no not true why in the heck would you need an army of 0/0s
seriously you need 60 cards and lands for landfall
You have a good deck. but you have some illegal cards: Seaside Citadel, Trial//Error You don't have enough life gain to warrant the use of the sovereign in my opinion. take a look at my EDH when you have a chance. it's got basically the same theme, only with mill and grave removal http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=39435
fate transfer only works with creatures, not lands.
throw in lifeforce for counters
I suggest cards such as river boa and hedge troll
persist doesn't work, because of the fact that the creatures go into the graveyard, thus temporarily bringing your life total down to zero. Regeneration is the answer, as the creatures never actually go into the graveyard if they get regenerated
also put in Eureka
so how does the combo work?
Here's a list of all poison counter cards: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&text=+[poison]+[]+[counter]
I have a pretty good mana acceleration. you need more haste creatures
thanks guys. It really annoys me because you can't go wrong with a sliver deck. like there's no such thing as a bad sliver deck. In my opinion, it's the noob's way into being good at the game.
there are no sparkling vampires in MTG. NOTHING SPARKLES IN MTG. just saying
slivers are broken and fun at the same time. like, how does one beat a sliver deck. I mean, unless one were to create a deck around defeating slivers, then you can't lose!
dude you have no idea how to use this site. or how to play the game. put every card you're gonna use in the box, and say how many there are INSIDE THE BOX. also 4 copies of a card except for basic lands.
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