
2 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

um, i think you should have the Bridge from Below card, you have some major hard hitting cards, but if you dont get them out fast enough your dead, and no one likes that.
But other than that i would have to give you a 8/10 on it, decent deck.

Posted 02 September 2008 at 03:15 as a comment on mortihusk


i find id a decent idea, and an easy played deck, but i do agree with keeping godhead.

Posted 02 September 2008 at 03:07 as a comment on Might Of Colors


i would work for just about anything if you play it right. =D
i had somewhat of the same deck (1 or 2 cards off) and it rock everyone's world (or just about) but if ever up agains something big and bad (black/red) i know it sounds odd, but throw in akroma's memorial in it, it saves a lot of hastel.

Posted 02 September 2008 at 02:12 as a comment on Dwarves


i wonder what you guys think of this, its a deck that i play against with my friends, and it really gets to them.

Posted 02 September 2008 at 01:22 as a comment on black_and_white
