i like the thought. get more lifegain though, or else you'll sit and be destroyed eventually. somthing like oracle of nectars. or maybe divinity of pride. hes a baller. check our my divinity of pride deck for ideas if u like.
good call. i like that. kill a jagged-scar archer.
true. bot not every creature can have affinity and i have creatures that give others affinity as well. i may get gid of a few cards and have some draw cards.
try steely resolve and shifting sliver. also i would recomend talon sliver and sliver ward. perhaps plated sliver too. also virulent slivers are a solid play.
terra stomper and leatherback baloth
with sernib sorcerer, use merfolk thamatrugist. destroy shit. also like the idea
why not try coat of arms? or even put some oblivion rings. honor the pure is also beastly for a white deck. i like it though.
do u think i can add them both? i was going 4 budget, and all my cards are multicolored. thanks for the comments
i would put in more standard lands. eventually, what will you search for? like the emeria angel tho. dope card
think about brave the elements instead of the blessed breath. put some oblivion rings in as well. i would try to maybe get a lower mana base by getting cheaper cards, but i love the idea, and i love a good angel deck.
yea thanks. just putting an idea on paper.
u dont need sylvan bounty, i like overrun, but a lot of the spells are costly and slow, like lurking pretadors.... im not sure if that fits. wurms tooth is also not really an elf thing. im not sure what the them is. i would get more synergetic spell that work specifically with elves, like elvish promenade.
why have tangle snap when u could use fog?
thanks for the comment, not quite sure how 2 get in the captains of the watch and the honor the pures, but theres always a way 2 trim the fat.
Weird and quirky concept of play, i like the idea. but i think that a couple cards could be switched out. bathe in light could be replaced by brave the elements and I think a couple of one drops would be nice elite vanguard come to mind. also you have way too many destroy enchantments. get some of you own and you could have some better synergy with your deck. good luck, plains rule!!!!