personally I would include green so you can use cards that allow you to put down more lands, making hedron crab more effective. You might also want to include howling mine. This will give them more cards, but is effective at milling.
You also might want to include profound journey, so you can get some of the angels back if you only have one in the deck
Should I take out blue? I only have it in there really for havengul runebinder...
Bishop of wings is good in every angel deck
A lot of these were on my list but taken out, I obviously need to work a little on this deck
Thank you all for the tips, I'll work on editing. Trying to keep the mana curve low.
I think you might have accidentally put in too many guilty consciences... oops
I'm not the an Omnath expert, but I think Rubblehulk and Wildfire Elemental would be good in this deck. Since you only have five other artifacts, I would take out panharmonicon. It would probably help your opponent more than you.Again, I'm not an Omnath expert, but that is what I would do.
Don't worry, Nissa will deal with that...
Personally I would throw replace murderous rider with hero's downfall, to avoid paying life. I also like to use walk the plank and victim of night for they're cheap prices. My Orzhov Exile deck has a good list of black destroy spells if you need more. You might also consider dread return for cheap ressurection to the battlefield.Just some suggestions.
May I ask what the theme of this deck is? I want to help, but what are you trying to do?