Ya i was thinking cause of death touch it would be nice but since the snakes got flash they ideal for blockers so i would agree i will be switchin to prey upon plus with memory's journy i could prolly get thrm back
I havnt run into a land problem yet but i will take that into consideration i normally get at least my first 5 drops
not bad let me know what you think of mine it might help you http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=259856
Hey looks good man the ruinator work good in here eventho you losing creatures in gy tell me what you think of mine http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=259856
So what you think Prey Upon Vs Mortar Pod
I did consider this but accorders where kinda place holders and am slowly weeding them out. and for me i actually started this deck with 3 mentors and found it actually slowed the potential of this deck so weeded them out to
So i will add mulch you are correct it is perfect and bonehoard was an awsome suggestion. However as i think black could work I find Blue speeds it up and the rats would be awsome but i couldnt find room to splash black just for them. As for removal i am finding mortar pod to be nice with vipers and garruks DT wolfs... thanks for suggestions!
What do you guys think of lux cannon side board? that or ancient grudge liquid metal combo id rather run lux im thinking cause takes up less room what your thoughts
i like the control of chandra and on top of that people never see here reverb. a Sorin's Vengeance so she makes me chuckle lol
No i haven't lol but however that is a good idea ill have to test it out
Was thinking of adding shrine of burning rage what you think?
Id say similar but not your is more control with use of different enchants, equips and planeswalkers id say they would play alot more different
How Do you plan on getting the metal craft out with running only 4 artifacts your you relying on suntitan
Thanks for the advice I making for standard and getting ready for rotation so ill prolly leave collar out but ill add in Body and mind Def.
I am Really likeing the look of this deck I had the the blessing of pulling 3 Jor kadeens lol and have been looking for a way to use him. Tell me how does it fair at ftm?
Why is Xenograft even in there it serves no purpose to your deck
Im Sorry im not seeing how trinket mage helps you get out Steel hellkite or wurmcoil