If you add Voltaic Key and Throne of Geth, you can proliferate until you reach 20 counters on Reactor. Voltaic Key works well with Lux Cannon, too.
I don't see any aura, Heliod's Pilgrim is useless.
- 4 Hypersonic Dragon+4 Thundermaw Hellkite-2 Utvara Hellkite+2 Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius+4 Cavern of Souls (high cmc, so you can safely play Dragons)It's a midrange deck: you need something for reset yhe board... Mizzium Mortars or AEtherize.You should find a place to Warden of Evos Isle, too
At the moment, in my opinion a mill deck can work in 2 ways: 1) mill/aggro: using Jace's Phantasm, Trepanation Blade (and, until October, Sword of Body and Mind); 2) mill/control: using counters, Unsummons, Jace Memory Adept, and the inevitable Snapcaster mage. Your deck is really slow, but starting from it I suggest you a mill control deck. Absolutely use counters, and creature/mass removal. A mill deck sucks everytime VS aggro decks...
you can play also Mindcrank and sword of body and mind til october. My suggestions: -1 Jace +1 thought scour; Replace tormod's crypt with surgical extraction
1 question... Where are red mana sources???
Cool deck!!!!!!!! ;D I think white is better than black in this deck. u can use also some Suture Priest
Another combo: Squirrel nest + Intruder Alarm + Dryad Arbor... And Concordant Crossroads, if possible
Not bad! ;) I`m trying to find out a good deck list in these days. I should play only 2 maniacs: this is an aggro deck, and I consider maniacs only an alternatve win condition. Goultree is enormous :) but... It needs something else, like trample... My best solution at the moment is Artful Dodge ;) Mindshrieker abiliy + ghoultree is a wonderful combination, so I think I'll play 2 or 3 Noxious Revival, that make this deck less randomic. What do you think about? (I'm sorry if I've made some error, but English is not my first language ^^)
Nice deck! But til turn 3, you can't do nothing. I think you need something cc1 and/or cc2...
Does it work? You have only 10 creatures (ok, the geist is very strong...) How many turns you need to win?
Good deck, but IMO you need more counters against creatures or , at least, something for bouncing like unsummon, disperse or vapor snag
You should find place for some Liquimetal Coating and some Gorilla Shaman...
Imo if your life is 0, you need something to gain exactly 1 life for reach the winning condition...
I have an idea... You can play Devoted Druid and a spell like Hurricane or similar. Infite mana, infinite damage, infinite simplicity. =)
Really nice deck =) But maybe you need some creature removal. You can also use Culling the Weak and Diabolic Intent
You can use also Suq'Ata Firewalker... maybe it's better than Prodigal Sorcerer... Isn't it? ;)
Yes, Prodigal Sorcerer MUST be in this deck!!! =) And what do you think about Concordant Crossroads???
Nice deck, but imo you need more artifacts (for Shape Anew)
ok, but you can`t play this deck in any format...
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