I actually don't like the golems in this deck, or any other deck that isn't just running one color. You only have 9 forests in your entire deck and no other way to go get them, and same with your 6 mountains. You're never going to be casting the golems for an incredibly discounted rate, so just cut them altogether. For your purposes... I don't know, I'd replace them both with something that flies. Like a dragon or something, a 5 drop dragon. I have plenty if you want to trade for them.
Considering you potentially win as soon as you get the combo out barring artifact disruption... I'd go more all-in on the combo. Kuldotha Forgemaster seems okay and would make sure you get something worthwhile out of your lotus petal, which doesn't seem to really give you anything otherwise. This deck isn't very explosive in early turns so it wouldn't hurt to have something else to use that extra mana for. Consider throwing in 4 Seat of the Synods instead of Darksteel Citadels and running Tinker. Blue mana is just as good as colorless mana for you in this deck, and you can always side them if someone is playing land destruction for some reason.
Runechanter's Pike is such a good addition... That's like, one swing by the time you get around to doing it, two swings if you do it earlier. And then all that protection for your agent once you get it out there... So good.
Lol, combodex.
Looks like you get Haakan out and sac a 1-mana knight, cast it using haakan, sac it, cast it using haakan, sac it, cast it using haakan, sac it, cast it using haakan, sac it, etc etc etc, then you use Tendrils of Agony for infinite damage or Bitter Ordeal for infinite mill.
I like how you have a good shot of getting a Dark Rit and/or an Entomb in the opening hand... I feel like this deck can get going fast. I think this deck would be able to keep up with the speed of a lot of casual legacy red decks, actually, assuming it actually does get going. The unfortunate thing about this is bounce and graveyard hate both work heavily against it... I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this past the Duresses/Hymns, though. I guess creature removal is almost worthless against it, since you can just recast the dead dudes. Burn will be a damage race, I think. This is pretty good. I'm still trying to figure out any real problems with it short of it being sideboarded to death/really expensive moneywise. :P
I really, really like the double usage of Kozilek in this to get all your counters back in your land-reduced library. I'm not sure if milling is a reliable enough win condition with the excavators; it seems just as likely that you'll get Jace out and going. They are a heck of a control element though, I'd just say you can probably find better blockers -- I like Guard Gomazoa. You said this deck overplays counters... Rhystic Study makes all of those counters make a heck of a lot of sense.