I like the synergy between Eternal Warrior + Viridian Longbow + Heart-Piercer Bow. Just want to offer an idea to mull over, would introducing a haste mechanic maybe give more potenial for board control? Not even sure what would work in that format to be honest.
Funny, I was actually looking at most of these earier (except the artifacts and Thalia). I guess I'm looking to lower the average cost in the deck to open up mana for the Mentor, which seems to be a a big draw engine for the deck. But looking at yours it gave me a few ideas, I'll update this in the next day or two (gonna keep the versatility in mind here). Off to my LGS. :)
I like it. Definitely taking some inspiration here. One thing popped into my head, just seeing as your running Enlightened Tutor, would you consider a few artifact lands? Might help get you out of a mana slump?
True! I had looked at it, but kinda leaned towards the Sov. to increase board presence/damage output. But I see what your saying. I will definitely have to pick them up and test it out. I'll keep ya posted on this one. Thanks!Questions for ya, any ideas for a more cost effective Icy? Also, Order of the White Sheild or Savhanna Lion?
I like Curious Obsession, running them in my "blue skies" deck. I will have to consider them for this one to. I have a few Mana Tithes, I guess my questions regarding that would be, should I sacrifice land for the Tithe or look at taking something else out?
Oooooh, I have a play set of them; have to test 'em out. Thanks for the idea!