Lol Thanks
i actually love the idea of malignus with rush of blood...nice idea
Thank you for your input ....creamat is in here for three reasons. its a cheap draw card, theres a lot of graveyard play out if i have guttersnipe out it deals two dmg and i draw a card. i know bolas is expensive mana cost...but he is expensive for a reason. plus i don't think having only two cards with more than a three mana cost is something to be too conserned about. yes staff of nin is an easy drop from the deck...i just wanted some late game draw if the game lasts that long.
Thanks for the input guys...ima take out one of the tablets cuz i still want some lifegain anf take out two zealots and replace w pillar of flames
So dont like this deck....
not bad...the only thing i dont like is the fact that i cant play it at fnm
even if you dont want to use maw on the doll....magmaquake will still target the doll and kill their creature (at least a few i would hope)
Lol mana curve is aweful
I would add stuffy doll....when you use into the maw of hell use it on stuffy doll
Awful ....
Also know that this deck is only made up of cards that i actually have...and the sideboard is for additional control should you need it.
lol ive had tokens in the thousands before just messing with people with this deck. If they dont end it quickly its game over for um
It turns out that my opponent did kill one of my birds and a pilgrim...but i had more to make up for them. I have allot of control to prevent just that from happening but inevitably some will die...that's why i put in spares lol also you shouldn't play door to nothingness the moment you get five mana... you should wait no sooner than two turns before you can use it before you cast it. That will minimize your chances of having it get destroyed. And again, in my sideboard i have plenty of protection against most anti-artifact spells and sorceries should my opponent show to have allot of anti-artifact in his deck.
The last time i played i had two birds, a pilgrim, sunpedal grove, and a lotus...already had two forests and two the math....pilgram+sunpedal=whites....birds=black...pedal=red....I already had blue and green. where's the confusion?
O good call...thanks ill get rid of that...thank you
I agree with him...otherwide i actually like this deck
True, you can clone anything on the battlefield tho...and if if your extremely lucky or wait until you draw a "blessing of nature" you can add counters on it before hydras death resolves (i believe thats how the rules would suggest it anyway). Or if you manage to have eight mana to blow you can do it that way too lol.... clone hydra and elixir are just my favorite cards that i own lol i just wanted to put them into one deck.
i like this deck for the most part...but with my luck i wouldnt get an Evil twin or even a bloodhunter bat till it was too late lol
I would but your ling goes to an empty deck....theres nothing there
thanks....i didnt even think about the fact that hydras trample wasnt immediate...lemme know what you think now....the best i could do with the cards i have is to put Garruk and doubling chant in to maximize the number of hydras on the board. with my remaining two cards slots i chose to add alluring sirens. This way i can force a creature with say death touch to attack (in case my hydra isnt hexproof) and block with my fog bank....or simply destroy the creature on his turn with a beast hydra than attack again on my turn. lemme know what ya think now.
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