Spirit Bonds is a MUST for this deck.
OK... so... I don't want to be Erik and tell you what to play, so please feel free to tell me to eff off if you don't like my idea, but I'm going to post a link here to an annoying control deck they will hate beyond imagining.http://www.mtgvault.com/wargodadams/decks/ali-ali-oxenfree/
Maybe get rid of the Falkenrath Noble and put in Typhoid rats.I would also get rid of exsanguinate and put in Distress.This is what I'm thinking. You control the creatures in the game, I control the spells and we basically wear them down. And maybe make your deck even more "discardy." That way, we go after the blue player's cards and either force out the counterspells to stop you from making them discard (which is totally fine since those are the cards we want out) or we have them reveal their hand and pull them out anyhow. That obviously will work against black and red kill decks as well. Honestly... I almost say Eff life-gain at all and go all in on kill/discard. Balls to the wall baby... balls to the wall! I'm going to post more suggestions later. I know your card selection isn't huge so I will try and post stuff that I have.
Go For the ThroatTragic SlipGrasp of DarknessGet rid of Deathwind, Murder and Doomblade.Not bad otherwise. Not a fan of the cutthroat... too much to level up.Gatekeeper of Malikir maybe...Morkrut Banshee is a good one...
I have a deck with a some ninjas in it. Super fun deck. The one piece of advice I will give you is "Familiar's Ruse" - Cost 2 blue mana, counters just like Cancel and the negative of having to return a creature to your hand becomes a positive as you can pull a ninja back to your hand and Ninjutsu him again on your unblocked "Shore Stalker."