hehe well thanks ^_^ Maybe I will make more one drop silly decks
I don't remember haha. Made this deck like a year ago. Could do Familiar def to provide another creature
So ya. As I was saying. Biomass is victory condition when you have a mana dump to perform.
The counters would apply after you make their base higher though
Nah because I would still drop the regular cost of it to place the counters on a wandering wolf so that turn wild defiance boosts it up more
It's a joke :p
Oh? Lol. Well thank you ^_^
Didn't know about the shaman thanks. Honestly I made this so long about I think it had something to do with playing in group games against my friends. None of them have the orb though so that wouldn't matter lol
Just relooked. Another cheap card is Needle Drop. 1 drop 1 damage to target creature or player dealt damage this turn. Draw a card. If you can spare a $1 or so can also do Dragon Mage. Would refill your hand but it does help out other players.
I would offer more draw for red but a lot of red draw is discard after drawing. The good thing about Dangerous Wager is its and instant and you can play it if its the last card in your hand.
Needs more walls...
How about throwing in some Battle Hymns? Pretty cheap and helps you ramp for red mana for more numerous spell casts in a turn. Copy enough goblins then play a few Hymns then all you need is some draw. Maybe some Dangerous Wager for once your hand is gone anyways.
Feel like you should have maybe on big monster to finish them off with at the end. Maybe do a Biomass Mutation as a victory condition. http://www.mtgvault.com/card/biomass-mutation/GTC/Maybe even throw in some Hindervines?
Interesting idea and cheap deck but could maybe use other cards to make sacrificing your own things more worth wild. I made a self-sacrifice deck a while ago. Link is http://www.mtgvault.com/walolas/decks/rakdos/ There you can see I used cards like Altar's Reap to maintain card advantage while my creatures like Black Cat or Goblin Arsonist performed more actions along with the cards they were sacrificed for to hurt the opponent more so along with blood artists.