
1 Deck, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

About my mana production, It really sucks, but i'm on a budget and can't buy dual lands, i'm thinking on adding some mana fixers, like signets or even more chromatic stars...

I'll see what I can do... thanks for your help until now....

Posted 04 June 2007 at 16:43 as a comment on Ignite the Warrens


The only reason why I use remand instead of another counter is that with remand I can counter my own Ignite Memories or Empty the Warrens, alowing me to double my Goblin Tokens or damage...

You're right... last week I played ag

Posted 04 June 2007 at 16:41 as a comment on Ignite the Warrens


Why don't you add some blue spells, like Sleight of Hand or Telling Time?

Howling Mine is good, but it doesen't add to your storm count, IMO you should take out Wildfires and Browbeats, and put more low CC spells to focus more on your big Ignite Memories...

If you doesen't like blue, u should add Black for the tutors this color have...

Good Luck!

Posted 31 May 2007 at 21:32 as a comment on
