I was disrespectful and I think that someone who is just trying to point out the possibilities and help should be thanked and I took at as a hit to this person and got heated but I realize that you are just being helpful. I am sorry.
I do completely agree with you here and you know what you are right. You do need to look at everything I was just trying to say you can't change a deck just because something can take it out. I apologize for getting heated about it and I thank you for trying to point out what can hurt it to help. You have made some good points and I think your advice could be helpful when considering the matchups. Thank you man, I apologize.
Just because something CAN be stopped does not mean it will and you are trying to put down an idea based on one card and the fact that it is a "threat". Yeah, that's the point, man. Seen it work. Not slow. Hard to deal with.
You see, I find that hard to believe based on the fact that everything you said about the unblockable/flail is false. I've seen it dish out mean lethal at great speed while still controlling the opponent. I do not know where you judge but obviously they have never brought any good decks in or you would have noticed a good idea when it smacked you in the face. Apparently not, "judge". Before you badmouth an idea, try and see if it works first hahaha. You make me laugh with your ridiculous attempts to sound like you know what you are talking about. Just stop, man. It is too much. lol
Your information is invalid because you said flail sucks. Not if you know how to use it which you do not, obviously. (such as on an unblockable). I have personally seen decks like this run over aggro so it is not slow. Hey, look, another point of yours that is invalid. Do any of your points actually have truth to them?
I just mean you can't even run a deck with less than 60 cards. Legality of card thrown aside.
This deck is not even legal. You are missing seven cards.
I don't think you realize how epic flail is. Creature does double the damage it would normally do. With two rancors and souled to a silverblade? Think about that real quick.
I know!! Whoever mentioned that has no idea how to play magic!!
I like it man. It's quick with a punch.
Cavern is of course awesome but not many people run counter style decks anymore (it's lost most of its power). I would throw in two at least if you can but they are expensive. I run three in my zombies but I have yet played a deck that was just trying to counter my stuff.
Killing Wave maybe?
HAHA I like the change. Now you are a true annoying champion. Next build a fog deck. That will make everyone mad too.
Ok, I can see that. Spit out the tokens using Bloodline Keeper to get board control and then wipe it with Blood Artist? I could see how that would work. I didn't see the sideboarded Mortars. And if you get beat one way you can try the other on the second game. Nice man!
Yeah, I understand that I mean the fact that it is called infinite undying with 2 cards in the whole deck that reset them and the rest that make it worse. The infinite undying aspect doesn't work was my point. Two cards to reset them is not NEAR enough when everything else GIVES counters.
I like your creatures but I think it is way too creature heavy. You should consider switching out some bigger ones for your sideboard cards. Your creature rock, though so it may be tough. I'd say drop the Silverhearts and Aurelia for the Boros charms at the very least. Silverheart is just not worth it. +4/+4 is cool....till its chump blocked and Aurelia costs way too much. I think you can hold them off with your others alone. I would throw in some rancors too.
I like it! Except for the magmaquakes. Seems like it would hurt you more than it helps you. Try and find some mizzium mortars instead. All in all though I think it would be relatively good.
Deviant Glee makes no sense with no red mana. Since your whole idea is to dump and attack Predators Gambit doesn't either and I think you're going to run into HUGE problems with any kind of normal standard aggro deck that is actually being run in tournaments. It has the potential to hit big for sure but any deck that can take out your creatures quick (which are most tournament decks) will dominate after turn 4.
This deck looks annoying but I think you lack any kind of win condition. Your creatures may be pains but they aren't good blockers or attackers. A RDW would run all over this. Any kind of burn deck or control really.
It seems like your idea is to put counters on your creatures and that ruins undying. The undying aspect of this deck doesn't work at all.
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