
6 Decks, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

Hey man! Good to see you on here! Thanks for the advice too, I think I have 1 Angel's Grace in my collection to add at this point, but it seems like it would be a good idea to get another 1-2 for this deck..(ouch, $4.25 ea.) I wouldn't be opposed to trimming the creatures down to just goblins and slant a bit more red, but maybe keep a couple 1-2 cost white creatures for flexibility?? I also opened a Goblin Chieftain in a booster which is now in the deck, I just haven't updated the list on here yet. Another drawback is that my collection is pretty light on goblin creatures, oddly enough. What I have in here is the "cream of the crop" for the most part : Z...

Mana burn has indeed been taken out of the game, and Braid of Fire is absolutely amazing now! I actually remember this card from one of your old burn decks now that you bring it up lol. Unfortunately, they go for 4.75 in excellent condition on cardkingdom. Probably worth it, but more than I'm generally willing to pay for a card :)..

I'm still kind of curious about ways to get NDE to pop efficiently, but also in control of my life total, burn myself when I want, prevent opponents damage as often as possible, etc., and I've made a few changes for the better I think:

-1 Mindwrack
-1 Spin Engine
-1 Spiraling Duelist
-1 Storm Entity
-1 Dogpile
-2 Serra Angel

+2 Cho-Manno, Revolutionary
+2 Pariah
+1 Goblin Chieftain
+1 Coalhauler Swine
+1 Livewire Lash

I think that should help quite a bit..

Thanks for the advice dude, I wanna see what kind of crazy things you're concocting these days! lol

Posted 30 March 2011 at 07:16 in reply to #147553 on Near-Winning Experience


Another possible graveyard wipe is Relic of Progenitus, although Keening Stone will suffer from any form of GY wipe, it would probably still be beneficial to keep any nasty Eldrazi out of the game :)

Posted 29 March 2011 at 20:14 in reply to #107066 on Quick Mill Really Effective


Seems like you have a highly efficient deck here already, and after wading through a number of pretty weak comments (lol), I'd suggest only one alteration:

-2 Flame Rift
-2 Rift Bolt

+2 Seething Song
+2 Banefire

honestly, this might be too slow for your desired pace, but banefire is my favorite X burn, as it can't be countered at 5+ for X.. I really dono what else to change, in keeping with the theme in place : )

your GF should be winning pretty consistently lol

please take a min to check out some of my decks, and leave a comment if you could, thanks!



Posted 20 March 2011 at 11:04 as a comment on Fastest Burn Deck


although this has beaten me..a few times..obviously.. lol

I'd suggest you bring the 3x eldrazi down to 2.. cut all of the 1x spells EXCEPT for Rise, Hedron Matrix, and Dreamstone Hedron.. ANDEN.. cut down to 14x Swamp and you'll be at 60.

Maybe keep the nirkana in there, but there should be cheaper ways to get the mana doubling effect, like Rofellos.. double your swamps for 4(S)(S) or double your forests for (F)(F)..

anyway.. playing at 60 should get more of the eldrazi out, quicker.

and at 5:45 am, thats about all I can say lol I'm gonna go to bed

Posted 07 March 2011 at 04:47 as a comment on Reanimating Eldrazi


and thanks, I do appreciate the comment.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 17:11 as a comment on Cash Money Mill-ionaire


alright. care to elaborate?

or would you rather just be a pretentious bastard?

Posted 05 March 2011 at 17:03 in reply to #138193 on Cash Money Mill-ionaire
