doomed travelers would be good for this deck since you can sacrifice them and get a free token
ahh thanks... originally i was going a different direction and was split on the two... now it's definitely the superior card
also wondering about day of judgment
list of cards i've been thinking about... and have bought curse of the stalked prey gideon jura goblin chieftain wondering about main decking mirran crusader
i would LOVE to either play with that deck OR against... that just looks great for a laugh. and i bet it wins against a lot of casual decks
22 and i'm living in the U.S. in the state of Illinois
yeah i have all of the cards... minus arrow volley trap which i'll have to wait till next week to get depending on how many fast decks i see friday... i havn't gone to FNM since last summer so i'm hoping this will do well friday since it did fairly well then and now i have some new knights to play around with.
hmm a bit mixed with infect/noninfect take out some cheap cards and add some mid to late game
i like it... mana curve could use a little rounding off other than that looks fun to play... with... not against
goblin ruinblaster grotag siegerunner flameslash and forked bolt are the best things i can think of for a side deck... forked bolt does wonders for me at FNM i'd put that in your deck instead of galvanic blast
decided kiln fiend is only good on paper... he can win for you but at the cost of clearing your hand... decided to add in more black
it could use some rootbound crags... perhaps some raging ravines
orcish librarian
one more thing... hellkite overlord is a major powerhouse but expensive.... i think you have enough powerhouses already... if your playing this at FNM sarkhan val would add a great buff to your creatures and an epic finisher... hes pretty cheap too
they work very well... i wouldn't worry too much about them if your working on a budget though
good deck... perhaps sideboards cards like fog leyline of santity nature's claim... perhaps remove avenger of zendikar and demystify
i'd take out jungle shrines and replace with a forest plains and mountain to help assure rootbound and sunpetal come out untapped... with birds of paradise you should have plenty of mana of all colors without stalling a turn
i like the deck... lands seem a little chaotic though
removed sarkhan due to lack of money... waiting till next month
i want to put doom blades in but i'm not sure what i should talk out
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